Would You Report Child Neglect If There Was A Chance of Being Sued?

Would You Report Child Neglect If There Was A Chance of Being Sued? Share your thoughts!

The Social Paralegal

imagesDaycare owner Tammy Larabies suspected that one of her students was being neglected at home. To address the issue she took the matter to Children’s Aid Society. She was then presented with a $10,000 lawsuit from the parents for “emotional distress”. The parents of the child successfully won the $10,000 lawsuit and were awarded costs. This decision may become a precedent case.

The small claims judge found that Tammy did not have “reasonable grounds” to suspect neglect. The judge found that Tammy had overreacted and should have had evidence before calling the Children’s Aid Society. Consequently, Tammy is no longer employed at the daycare, in addition to a $10,000 lawsuit and having to award the parents costs for the action.

Conversely, the CAS found there to be enough evidence to warrant an investigation. Tammy was fearful that the child was malnourished as a result of his parents following a restrictive…

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  1. If you wanted to report it, could you not do so anonymously, so you have made concerns aware to the authorities but protect yourself from this. If you cannot report anon then no, why would I jeopardise my mental health, reputation, and job and savings (if I even had that money) if i was going to be made out to be the bad person.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think many individuals would agree with you. It’s a catch 22. You want to help but there’s a price. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!!


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